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Learn about the latest technologies, apps, and tools. Connect with community members and professionals from across Santa Cruz County.

Where is the future of design headed? How are designers and designs changing with the advent of new tools and technologies like AI? This upcoming New Tech event will feature renowned design firms who will share their unique perspectives on the latest trends, challenges, ethical implications, and innovations in the world of design. Learn from industry experts and connect with members of the community. Check out all the information on the PRESENTERS.

As usual, we’ll begin at 6pm with networking, food (included: pizza, dessert, snacks), live music, and beverages for purchase before our presenters expand your neurons with knowledge, share new perspectives, and revolutionary technologies.

For a limited time only, purchase the 2 for 2 ticket deal and get entry for 2 people and two drink tickets! If you purchased VIP seating or already placed an order for 2 tickets prior to this deal, you’ll also receive drink tickets.


  • 6:00: Food (included), live music by Cruz Control, networking, beverages available
  • 7:00: Show time! Each presenting company has 5 minutes to WOW us
  • 7:45: Audience Q&A

This event is for YOU if you are:

  • Interested in the field of design
  • Curious about new technologies, tools, and apps and their impact on the future
  • Passionate about innovation and technological advancements
  • Eager to learn from leading experts
  • Looking to connect with a vibrant community of innovation enthusiasts

Interested in tabling?

Sign up here if you are not a SCW partner. Existing sponsors, please email Malina (malinasantacruzworks.org) no later than 72hrs in advance to let her know you would like to table. Space is limited so best to reach out sooner rather than later!

Additional Information:

Follow the Latest Updates at Santa Cruz Works News


Thanks to our event sponsor, Woodstock’s Pizza!

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