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Learn all about the 2024 Startup Challenge Monterey Bay, the benefits of participating, and how to apply!

Workshops will be led by CSUMB’s Institute for Innovation and Economic Development Executive Director, Dr. Brad Barbeau. Bring any questions you have to the workshop sessions.

What is Startup Challenge Monterey Bay?

Startup Challenge is an annual competitive business accelerator for new businesses that teaches, coaches, mentors, networks, and connects entrepreneurs to the knowledge and resources they need to succeed in the marketplace.

Who can apply?

Whether you own a small business, run a social justice nonprofit, or are a student with a business plan, Startup Challenge has a division for you! The Challenge is open to new businesses based in Monterey, San Benito, or Santa Cruz counties, operating for less than two years.

What are the benefits?

From making connections with potential investors, to hitting your perfect pitch, Startup Challenge offers substantial benefits. While finalists receive cash prizes, mentoring opportunities and additional workshops, our goal is to help all participants gain visibility, connections, and funding.

This workshop will be at CSUMB’s Otter Student Union (OSU) Rm 310 – Upstairs.

3118 Inter-Garrison Rd, Seaside, CA 93955, USA

If you have questions about this event, please email info@startupmontereybay.com.

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