DART Workforce Skills Demand Study

Published On: August 17, 2023

CITRIS Initiative for Drone Education and Research (CIDER) at UC Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay Drone, Automation and Robotics Technology (DART) Initiative collaborate on DART Workforce Skills Demand Study in Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito Counties

The CITRIS Center for Drone Education and Research (CIDER) at UC Santa Cruz and the Monterey Bay Drone Automation and Robotics Technology (DART) Initiative are pleased to announce their collaboration on a groundbreaking DART Workforce Skills Demand Study. The study aims to assess the current and future workforce skills demand for the use of drones in agriculture, infrastructure inspection, construction monitoring, and related fields within Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito Counties.

Complete the DART Skills Demand Survey

Contribute your responses to the DART Skills Demand survey to help shape modern workforce training programs

The mission of the study is to determine the industry demand for drone operation skills in the tri-county area, while also identifying the skills gap that needs to be addressed through appropriate training and development to meet the expected industry demands. By focusing on advancing quality jobs growth and fostering local economies that benefit all residents, this effort aims to leverage the inherent assets, talents, and leadership within our communities.

As part of this study, UCSC-CIDER and Monterey Bay DART are reaching out to businesses and individuals in these industries to gain survey participation and engagement with the study. Participants will have the chance to contribute to this important study aiming to ensure our regional workforce is well-prepared to deliver in-demand workforce skills. Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the final report upon its completion. We invite businesses and professionals in the industry to sign up to contribute their insights and participate in the survey here.

“The increased opportunities for jobs using drones and automation are wide ranging and potentially life changing. We’re excited to be able to partner with Monterey Bay DART on this important project so provide a more comprehensive and inclusive look at the future of this type of employment. The information in the report will help shape the training and workforce development programs we are creating with our regional partners at Hartnell College, Digital Nest, and CSU Monterey Bay. “ Becca Fenwick, Director, CIDER UCSC.

“Monterey Bay DART is thrilled to continue and expand  our collaboration with the UCSC-CIDER team on this important project. We are seeing increasing demand for DART-related skills, and this study will provide our regional industries a chance to contribute directly to shaping our future-relevant workforce training efforts” says Josh Metz, Monterey Bay DART Executive Director. “This collaboration is a perfect pairing of the research and educational expertise of UCSC-CIDER with the project implementation expertise and cross-sector ecosystem DART has developed.”

The study will specifically assess industry demand for drone, automation, and robotics technology skills and expertise in the next 1-5 years across various sectors, including agriculture, construction, aviation, public safety, and marine science/blue economy. By analyzing the gap between job skill demand and the current skills identified in the surveys for each sector, our study will establish the existing training opportunities within the tri-county area.

About UCSC and CIDER:

The University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) is a renowned public research university located in Santa Cruz, California. UCSC is committed to academic excellence, innovative research, and community engagement, fostering an environment of intellectual curiosity and critical thinking. The CITRIS Initiative for Drone Education and Research (CIDER) is the first of its kind in the UC system, housed with the The Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute or CITRIS for short, is a multi-campus initiative focused on research and emerging technologies across the UC Berkeley, Davis, Merced and Santa Cruz campuses. The UCSC CITRIS Initiative for Drone Education and Research (CIDER) offers educational training and research support for the development and use of drone technology across all academic disciplines and many industry sectors, as well as workforce development expertise. Students benefit from career-enhancing experiential learning opportunities, hands-on field research, flight time, and FAA licensure.

About Monterey Bay DART:

Monterey Bay Drone Automation and Robotics Technology (DART) is a leading organization dedicated to promoting the safe and responsible integration of drones into various industries. DART collaborates with educational institutions, businesses, and government agencies to drive innovation, economic growth, and workforce development in the region.


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