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Embark on a transformative journey from idea to business in just one day and ignite your entrepreneurial spirit!

πŸš€ Ready to Start Your Own Business? Join Us for an Entrepreneurial Adventure! πŸš€

Ever dreamed of starting your own business but are unsure where to begin? Join our immersive, hands-on experience designed to transform your idea into a thriving business venture – all in just one day!

Discover the essential steps to create a business that addresses the problems close to your heart. Explore the key elements of entrepreneurship and learn how to craft a solution to make an impact..

πŸ”₯ Ignite your entrepreneurial spirit and witness your passion evolve into action

Get set to turn your vision into reality! Don’t miss this annual event – secure your place today.

If you have any questions about attending Startup Factory, contact us at info@startupmontereybay.com.

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