Day 1: Security

Raymond Beuttner

Naval Postgraduate School

Dr. Ray Buettner joined the faculty as Military Instructor in...

Megen Schlesinger

Navalx Tech Bridge

Megen Schlesinger, MBA, is currently the Deputy Director of the...

Christopher Manuel

Central Coast Tech Bridge

Christopher E. Manuel is the California Central Coast Tech Bridge...

Day 2: Mobility

Jeremy Abbate

Scientific American

Jeremy A. Abbate is the VP & Publisher of Scientific...

Alexander L. Wolf

UC Santa Cruz

Alexander L. Wolf serves as Dean of the Baskin School of...

Adam Cohen

University of California, Berkeley

Adam Cohen is a transportation futurist and researcher at the...

Day 3: Environment

Michael Matkin

CITRIS, UC Santa Cruz | DART Board of Directors Member

Michael Matkin is the Executive Director of CITRIS and the...

Josh Metz

Monterey Bay DART

Josh Metz is the Executive Director and co-founder of the...

Chris Bley

Airspace Integration | DART Board of Directors Member

Chris Bley is a Santa Cruz-based serial entrepreneur and co-founder...